Mo's grandfather was a PoW at Stalag XXA. His name was Jock McDonald and
he played saxaphone with a band formed in the camp.
Mo would love to know more about his life when imprisoned there. Unfortunately he died in 1977 and did not like to talk about his spell at this awful place.
He became freindly with a Polish family and one name that Mo has is Fritz Begelski (unsure about the spelling) he continued to keep intouch with the family after the war.
Mo would love to know more about his life when imprisoned there. Unfortunately he died in 1977 and did not like to talk about his spell at this awful place.
He became freindly with a Polish family and one name that Mo has is Fritz Begelski (unsure about the spelling) he continued to keep intouch with the family after the war.
Please contact Mo if you can help.
Thank you to Bill Niven for this information.
Cindy is looking for her grandfather, Andrew Dubois. She believes he
passed away in the late 1950's and she would like to obtain his military
records. Please contact Cindy if you have any information.
Michele is researching her grandfather, Harry Dalby, who was a PoW at
Stalag XXA, Camp BAB20, Work Camp No. 2. He was captured at St.Valery on 12th
June 1940. He was a soldier with the Black Watch. She has one of his tags, his
battalion photo, plus a few other bits. Here is the photo (Harry is far left,
back row):
She was kindly given information on Stalag XXA. Harry made some very
good friends whilst a PoW and kept in touch with them after the war.
Harry is far left, back row |
5-OCT-04 : Michele has sent me a photograph of this wonderful handkerchief that was made for Harry by a Polish PoW whilst in Stalag XXA. She would love to know why it was made for her grandfather, perhaps just a gift?
Please contact Michele if you have any information.
4-MAR-05: Michele contacted me with the following
"I have recieved an email from a lady who has put her grandad's
name forward in connection with the Battalion photo. Her grandad is fourth one
in on the middle row - Frederick Leighton, known as Joe. Sadly her grandad died at
the age of 49 and all his memories were lost in an house fire. She also put a
surname forward of a soldier her grandad joined up with who was killed at
St.Valery - Blaylock."
Rachel is looking for any info on Sgt. Vivian Caleb Dale who she
believes was part of the 747th Tank Battalion during World War II.
She is desperate to find any information on him, especially about the
camp he stayed at in England.
His Army Serial Number was either 34-664-020 or 34-564-020.
Rachel gave me a little background on Vivian. Her great aunt met him. He
arrived in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England at the end of March and they left
for the DDay landings on 31 May 1944.
He would have stayed at Camp Arbury. He used to go to Bedworth which was the local town.
He used to drink in a pub called the "Hit or Miss" which Rachel's nans' grandad used to keep. Her great aunt was very good friends with Vivian and he was part of the family whilst he stayed in England. He used to meet her every day while at the camp. They used to go out with her mum and sisters and they basically made him feel at home while he was away from home. He used to have his tea with Rachel's great gran whom she never met.
Rachel's aunt was telling her about him for the first time a few months ago and she kind of promised myself she would find his family. She did find him on the Social Security and he had sadly died.
He would have stayed at Camp Arbury. He used to go to Bedworth which was the local town.
He used to drink in a pub called the "Hit or Miss" which Rachel's nans' grandad used to keep. Her great aunt was very good friends with Vivian and he was part of the family whilst he stayed in England. He used to meet her every day while at the camp. They used to go out with her mum and sisters and they basically made him feel at home while he was away from home. He used to have his tea with Rachel's great gran whom she never met.
Rachel's aunt was telling her about him for the first time a few months ago and she kind of promised myself she would find his family. She did find him on the Social Security and he had sadly died.
Rachel has provided his Army Card:
Rachel knows he has a grandson called Tommie Dale but she can't find out about
him. She would love to email him and see if he had any information on his
grandfather during the war. If you can help, please contact Rachel
Sergeant N. C. (Colin) Dean, 2nd Field Regiment, SAA (NFA) North Africa,
WWII Service No. 89575, PoW No. 39809.
Penny is trying to trace her father’s war experiences and would
appreciate any information at all. She currently knows the following:
Colin Dean joined up in 1940 and went from Pietermaritzburg to
Potchefstroom for training with the 6th Battery.
They embarked on HMT Dilwara on 22nd July 1941 and reached Port Tewfik
on 12th August 1941.
After that the trail becomes hazy until June 1942 at Knightsbridge where
he was with the No. 1 Gun in E Troop.
His gun team comprised of:
Bdr D.G. (Danie) Strachan
Gnr. W.A. (Bill) Nye (later Knight)
Gnr. E.J. (Eddie) Keiser
Gnr. D.I. (Dennis) Else
Gnr. MacI. (Jack) Goldstone
Driver Gnr. J.A. Stephens
Gnr. W.A. (Bill) Nye (later Knight)
Gnr. E.J. (Eddie) Keiser
Gnr. D.I. (Dennis) Else
Gnr. MacI. (Jack) Goldstone
Driver Gnr. J.A. Stephens
They were held in a PoW camp in Italy, and later in Germany (Stalag: 317
(XVIIIC)). Mr Dean does not know the name of the Italian camp or the dates.
Colin escaped, got to the UK, and finally returned to PMB where he was
discharged in October 1945.
He died in 1971.
Penny sent me the following photos of her father. The first was probably
taken in 1941. The other is of his marriage to Penny's mum, Aimee, also in
If you can help, please contact Penny
Trying to get in touch with Stanley Derbyshire who was a PoW in Stalag
XXA in 1941.
If you can help, please contact via email
Polish servicemen trained to be paratroopers in Scotland in the field
where Christina's grandparents lived near Lundin, Links.
Her aunt met one of the officers, who had earlier been a PoW somewhere. When he was posted to Europe (Belgium Christina thinks), she joined the NAAFI and was sent quite close to where he was. They married in November 1945 at St Mary's Euschede. However, Christina cannot find 'Euschede' but has found Euschede in The Netherlands. His name was Josef Szul and she was Katherine (Kate) Dickson.
They were both with BAOR. Josef was a Lieutenant with the Polish
Paratroop Brigade and Katherine was a Private ATS/EFI. If anyone knows about their wartime marriage, or knows of them, please
email Christina
Stuart is looking for information on two men that were captured at the
Battle of Arnhem.
Desmond G Davies of the RAMC attached to the 2nd Battalion Parachute
Brigade, PoW Number 89420 ended up in Stalag IVB and Robert J Jones of the 2nd
Battalion South Stafordshire Regiment, PoW number 89674.
They met for a short time at Stalag XIIA but Robert was moved to another
camp later and Stuart does not know which one that was. Robert is still alive
but his memory fails him and he knows he moved soon after Desmond was moved but
can't remember to where.
Any thing that may help Bob remember - he's now 89 - would be
If anyone remembers Robert or Desmond, was in the camps with them or a
regiment friend, please email Stuart
Pedro is trying to locate the relatives of two PoWs that his mother
supported during their time in Oflag VII-B and others camps, by sending them
numerous parcels with food and other goods until their release in 1945.
They are Captain Anthony (Tony) Rothera and Tenent Walter (Waldo)
Pedro has a large number of letters that his mother received from them
and their UK families until 1946 and he would very much appreciate locating
their relatives in order to send them a copy of all the documents.
If anyone has any information on these two PoWs, please contact Pedro
I received the following email on 8th March 2006
from Ian Rothera:
"I've seen your request for information about PoW's Tony Rothera
and Waldo Dowson. Tony Rothera was my Father - he died in 1991. He was a PoW
from the early part of the War to 1945. He was a Solicitor in Nottingham (and
used to lecture on Law during his time as a prisoner). He was Senior Partner in
the law firm Rothera Sons & Langham, which became Rotheras in the early
'70s following a merger with 3 other local firms. He was Coroner for the City
of Nottingham, and then became the first full time Coroner for the City and
County of Nottingham. I am a Solicitor in the firm and Deputy Coroner, and one
of my 3 daughters is also a Solicitor in the same firm - she's 6th generation
of Rothera in the same firm. I have a brother Michael (an ENT Surgeon) and a
sister Shane. Tony married our Mother Phyl in 1947, and she passed away 3 years
ago. Tony's Brother, Patrick, died in the War - he was killed over Germany as a
Lancaster Bomb Aimer. His sister, my Aunt, Barbara also died quite recently. I
can also help a bit with regard to Waldo Dowson. He was also a Solicitor in
Nottingham, the Senior Partner in Dowson Wadsworth & Sellers, which became
Dowsons. He died approx 10 years ago. He lived with his Sister (also deceased),
so had no family. I believe he has a relative, a Cousin Ben, who also lives in
Nottinghamshire, aged 103. Coincidentally, my firm Rotheras merged with Dowsons
about 7/8 years ago, and is now known as Rothera Dowson. I hope this
information might be of interest to Pedro. I believe my Father would have moved
between various Camps, and I have beside me his "Dog Tag" for V11C-
his PoW No. was 673."
Update April 2006 - Ian and Pedro are now in touch and also
with remaining members of Waldo's family. I have the families permission to
publish the letters and information and will produce a Personal Page shortly on
this site.
Helen is trying to find out information about her father's experiences
during the War.
His name is James McCard Devlin and he was in the Blackwatch from 1928
and served in India, being a member of the pipe band there.
He was captured at St Valery and was taken to Stalag XXA first of all
and then to Stalag XXB where he spent the rest of the War.
Luckily he and Helen's mother wrote to each other frequently and Helen
was able to give all the letters to the Blackwatch museum in Perth. Apart from
his letters home, Helen knows nothing of his experiences during the war as he
was reluctant to speak of it. The prisoners mail was censored, but he may, at
one point, have been able to send some information back home as she came across
a letter from the war office thanking her mother for the help.
Helen also sent the above photograph of her father in Stalag XXB (click
to enlarge). He is second from the left in the front row. Do you recognise
James or any of his friends in the photograph?
If you can help with further information, please email Helen
April 2006
I heard from Michael Blows who let me know "I believe my father
William Blows (Bill) may be the chap standing in the second row far right. He
was in the Royal Sussex Regiment Service No 5727656 Stalag XXA. I am trying to
find out as much as I can about my father as he passed away in 1987. In the
1960's there was a short story published in an Englis newspaper called
"Escape to a Firing Squad" It was written by a man called Bob Masters
and he new my father from the camp. Dad corresponded with him but over the
years they lost contact." I have added Michael's information to another
Request for Help under "B" so please contact him if you know of Bill.
Martyn's grandfather was Stanley Llewelyn Davies from Aberdare. He was a
bus driver before and afer the war and was an ambulance driver during the war.
He was captured and held PoW at Stammlager XXA. Martyn has numerous photographs
from 1941,1942 and 1943 - some are of boxing matches and some of shows and
plays laid on by the PoW's. One is called "Red Riding Hood Band".
This band won their competition in 1941 according to the text on the back of
the photo. Another is "Busmans honeymoon".
Stanley's PoW number was 16905. If anyone remembers Stanley, was in the camps with him or a regiment
friend, please email Martyn.
Martyn is looking to find some information on his grandfather, Thomas
Hector Davies, who he believed served in the 2nd Battalion of the Welsh Guards
at Dunkirk.
If anyone remembers Thomas, please email Martyn.
Victor is looking for any information on Lance Corporal Victor Charles
Dolan who was with the 5/7th Battalion, Platoon "D" Company, Gordon Highlanders
in 1943. He was the 23 year old son of Martin and Nora Dolan of Ireland.
Information at Warlinks says the
battalion was in North Africa when the "D" company walked into a
"S" mine patch and Lance Corporal Dolan was killed and Privates
Walker, Farrell and Rowland wounded. Are these Privates still alive at about 87
years of age? Can they or relatives contact Victor, the son of Victor and
Deavina Whyte of Aberdeen, Scotland. Victor is a 65 year old Canadian in
Ontario, Canada and would love to find out any information on his father.
If anyone remembers Victor or was in "D" Company, please email me and I will pass the information on
to his son.
April 2008
I heard from Pat Fox to say "Victor Dolan was my mothers brother,
he had 1 brother Martin and 5 sisters Olive (ollie), Irene (my mother) Mary
(Moll), Violet Patricia (patricia) & Cora.
Until I read this e-mail I, and the family where unaware that Victor (Uncle Bud as he was referred to) had any other relatives. Please e-mail me to make sure we are talking about the same person.
My mother and her sisters patricia and Cora are still alive my mother is 84 and Patricia and Cora are in their 70's. I am 55 and the oldest of my mothers children although Uncle Martins and aunty Ollies eldest children are a bit older, all other cousins are younger than me and there are about 20 in total plus their children which total at least thirty +.
Most of the extended family still live in Ireland although my mother and father moved to England in 1959 with myself and my brother along with aunty Cora and have remained here to raise our families."
Until I read this e-mail I, and the family where unaware that Victor (Uncle Bud as he was referred to) had any other relatives. Please e-mail me to make sure we are talking about the same person.
My mother and her sisters patricia and Cora are still alive my mother is 84 and Patricia and Cora are in their 70's. I am 55 and the oldest of my mothers children although Uncle Martins and aunty Ollies eldest children are a bit older, all other cousins are younger than me and there are about 20 in total plus their children which total at least thirty +.
Most of the extended family still live in Ireland although my mother and father moved to England in 1959 with myself and my brother along with aunty Cora and have remained here to raise our families."
November 2008
I had a further email from Pat Fox to say "Hi Krista, just a quick
note to give you the latest update on Victors search for information. I have
just returned to England from an exhausting weekend in Dublin where I finally
met Victor. I had arranged a family get together in Dublin so that Victor could
come and meet his 3 aunties who are still living and as many of his cousins and
other family memebers as possible. We had a very happy gathering on Saturday
evening where about 50 family members, including Noel from Australia turned up
to meet him and welcome him into the family. We were finally able to give
Victor a lot of information about his father as well as being able to give him
his war medals. I am sure Victor will contact you himself when he gets back to
Canada next week. Once again thanks for putting us in touch with each
Gareth is looking for information on John Doig, KGF Number 36113, Stalag
XXID 20. Gareth has a postcard picture of a group in the snow. If anyone remembers John, please email Gareth.
Nancy is looking for information on Stephen L. Daly Captain MC - See
George P Fedoreshenko for details.
Forrest had eight uncles who served in the U.S. Military (Five in WWII)
and he would like any information on them that any Veteran can provide.
They are:-
WWII: Nicholas "Nick" DeZago, ETO,
1942-1945, AAA(AW), Pfc., No.
Africa, Sicily, Italy,
France, Germany;
Anthony "Tony" DeZago, ETO,
1944, 87th Div., 346th Inf.
Reg., WIA, Dec. 12, 1944,
Saarbrucken, Sgt. (?);
1942-1945, AAA(AW), Pfc., No.
Africa, Sicily, Italy,
France, Germany;
Anthony "Tony" DeZago, ETO,
1944, 87th Div., 346th Inf.
Reg., WIA, Dec. 12, 1944,
Saarbrucken, Sgt. (?);
George DeZago, 290th Combat
Engineers, Sgt., 1944-1945,
France, Germany;
Engineers, Sgt., 1944-1945,
France, Germany;
Ralph DeZago, Sgt., 15th AAF.,
Africa, Italy, 1943-1946,
Africa, Italy, 1943-1946,
John DeZago, AMM1, USN, 1943-
1946, Vero Beach, Fl., Pasco,
1946, Vero Beach, Fl., Pasco,
Joseph DeZago, Cpl., Korea,
WIA, July, 1953, 2nd Division;
WIA, July, 1953, 2nd Division;
Samuel DeZago, Pfc., Germany,
1953-1955, Field Artillery;
1953-1955, Field Artillery;
Louis DeZago, Jr., Pfc.,
France, Lebanon, Turkey, 1957-
France, Lebanon, Turkey, 1957-
Forrest's father, Charles J. Burgener, USN, 1940-1946, Chief Aviation
Pilot, F6F Hellcat, 1944-1946/CPO 1940-1943, USS Albemarle (seaplane
Can you help Forrest with information on his uncles? If so, please email him.
Linda is looking for any imformation on her mother's biological father,
William Dickie.
He was in the Royal Pioneer Corps and his Army Number was 3319827.
The family located his grave in North Africa and have seen pictures of
it but Linda's mother never knew him and her grandmother had no pictures of him
If anyone knew him or has regimental photos could they please let Linda
If you can help, please contact Linda
Godfrey Nevels is trying to find a Canadian veteran who stayed at his
grandparents' house during the liberation of his hometown, Groningen. All he
has is a photograph of this Canadian soldier, with on the back the name Ernie
Davidson and the date September 29, 1946. On the front of the photograph is Mr
Davidson dressed in the uniform of the Royal
Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS).
Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS).
Unfortunately both Godfrey's grandparents aren't alive anymore, but
still he wants to continue his search for Ernie Davidson to thank him (or his
family if he is no longer alive) for what he has done to liberate Godfrey's
country so many years ago.
This is all the information Godfrey has:
. Ernie Davidson
. member of the Royal Canadian Corps Of Signals (RCCS)
. took part in the liberation of Groningen in the North of the Netherlands
. stayed at the house of Dedde and Geeske Wijma
. photographed on September 29, 1946.
. Ernie Davidson
. member of the Royal Canadian Corps Of Signals (RCCS)
. took part in the liberation of Groningen in the North of the Netherlands
. stayed at the house of Dedde and Geeske Wijma
. photographed on September 29, 1946.
If you can help with information on Ernie, please contact Godfrey
Mary was very interested to read the article concerning the rescue of
the Dutch Royal Family in 1940 which she found
when trying to find out some information about her great uncle, Harry Dunn,
whom Mary understood had been involved in this or a similar rescue during WWII.
Mary would be most interested to learn if Harry was connected with this
particular operation.
If you can help, please contact Mary
Paul's father was a PoW at Stalag XXA (Fort 13) in Thorn (Torun) Poland
(1939-1945) and he has been researching the time he was there and now wants to
visit the area.
Paul is intending to fly to Krakow and then catch a train to Torun. Does
anyone know if he can access the camp from the train station? If you can help, please contact Paul
Susan is seeking any information about her father (who died in 2005) and
about Stalag XVIIID (18D) (Marburg/Maribor, Slovenia.
Susan's father's name was William Draper, prisoner number which appears
to have been 7341.
He was an Able Seaman, one of the 85 survivors of the sinking of HMS
Gloucester in May 1941, and was born on 21 July 1920, so at the time of his
arrival in a camp he would have been just about 21.
William is second from right, crouching at the front at Stalag XVIIID |
Susan has a photo of some Stalag XVIIID prisoners including her father
(see above), sent to his parents. He appears to be wearing army clothing, and
Susan's mother says that Navy uniform was not allowed in the camps, but he
would of course also have lost everything he possessed in the ship sinking, and
presumably had to be reclothed by the Germans. If you can help with any information on William, please contact Susan
Harry Hunwick was a evacuee at Regimental Sergeant Major Dewey's home in
Cambridge - 16 Aimsworth Street - as he was a PoW at this time having been
taken by the Germans at Calais in 1940. Sgt Dewey was in the Kings Royal Rifle
Corp (KRRC) and Harry has often wondered if he survived
If you can help, please contact Harry
Ivy wrote to say:
"I was 15 when my father died in 1970, he rarely spoke of his time
as a POW so the info I have is scanty.
His name was Matthew McLeod Douglass from Widdrington in Northumberland.
He was with the Northumberland Fusiliers at Dunkirk where he was wounded and
captured. He spent the rest of the war as a PoW.
He never received a War Pension because he refused to go to hospital on
repatriation as his father was dying.
At his funeral I remember British Legion comrades joking about my dad
getting them captured because he stopped for a cigarette and chocolate.
Unfortunately that is all I know about his war memories and would like to hear
if anyone remembers him."
Ivy added to this on 31st July 2009:
"I found a copy of a letter written by his mother to her grandson
in Australia dated feb 18th 1945, she writes that she is waiting for him to
come home as she had been informed that the POW camp he was held in had been
liberated by the Russians. My dad at that time was 30 years old, he was only 5'
2'' in height and have been told he was a red head, in my memory he was grey
and balding. I think that because of the date he was probably held in
Poland." If you can help, please contact Ivy
3rd August 2009
Ivy contacted me to say:
"Just a quick update my dad was held at Stalag v111B at Lamsdorf,
his POW No was 36812, his service No was 4274626. Found a wonderful site, the
owner looked up POW info and sent me the info.
I have sent to the Red Cross hopefully the will send me his
Matt wrote to say:
"I ran across your web site's a terrific resource.
I'm researching my wife's grandad and while we have pictures and
documents we don't get much real information about his experiences. It's a
stretch to find people who may have known him but we're trying.
His name is Fred C. Drake. He was an engineer who worked in the
Mediterranean Theater.
He was with the 9th US Air Force in '43 having entered the service a
short time before as a 1st Lt, after working with the Douglas Aircraft Company.
At one point he was the Utilities Officer at the Naples Air Forces General
Depot. There he built a shop of some 300 Italian tradesmen which turned out
millwork and hardware for "Project Runway" which involved the
construction of hundreds of buildings. He moved up through the ranks and was a
Major when he worked on Crete at the end of the war for a few years.
We have a picture of his meager "home" on Crete in 1950. He
ended his career as an Air Force Lt. Col in the mid 50's. Here we are now,
almost 60 years later, hoping to preserve his legacy, which I believe his
family has under estimated, for his great grand children. We appreciate any
help or direction you, or anyone, may be able to offer."
![]() |
Assembly Shop Staff - Savannah |
![]() |
Fred on the stern |
Fred gained two Purple Hearts and the Bronze Star.
If you can help with any information on Fred, please contact Matt
"I wondered if you could give me any information about my
grandfather who was a prisoner of war in ww2 and any info where he was based
all through the war including being a prisoner of war please. He was taken
prisoner in North Africa and ended up in an Italian pow camp. His name was
Charles Felgate Dack. He was born in 1906 on Tyneside. He was in the Royal
Artillery and the TA before the war. He was a Sergeant. On an old Red Cross
postcard sent to my grandmother were the following details which might help No
890475 PG 73 PM 3200 Italy." If you can help, please contact Chris
Marco wrote to say:
"For a friend I have the following request:
He has known Hugh Caradoc Davies.
No. 14731130 Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
I know that he has died of wounds on the 25th of April 1945. He was first buried at Wintermoor but now resting at Becklingen War Cemetary (Germany).
He has known Hugh Caradoc Davies.
No. 14731130 Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
I know that he has died of wounds on the 25th of April 1945. He was first buried at Wintermoor but now resting at Becklingen War Cemetary (Germany).
Anything about him and the route the 4th Bn. Welsh Fusiliers have take
through Holland is more than welcome.
If possible I would offer his grandson a battletour to the places he has been."
If possible I would offer his grandson a battletour to the places he has been."
If you can help, please contact Marco
Pippa wrote to say:
"I'm looking
for any information you have on George Dalkin. In infantry records shown he was
transferred to Stalag 1VC in April 1944. P.O.W no. 249906. He was with the 16th
Battalion, The Durham Light infantry, they where send to North Africa in 1943.
He and someothers where captured while sleeping under a truck, reported missing
10th March 1943. He was held capture by the Italians, his address was No.4 Hut
No.1 Sector PG Campo 82 PM 3200. When the Italians surrendered they escaped to
the countryside and where caught by the Germans and sent to Stalag IVC.
If you have any
information regarding my grandfather or anyone that knew him at that time
please let me know."
Charles Dalby
Email to say:
"My uncle, Charles Dalby, was born in Loughborough, Leicestershire
around 1908 and died in or around 1960, having retired from the Queen Mothers
Bodyguard. He was a Sergeant and fought in WWII in Burma and later served in
India. He won belts for boxing whilst in the forces. I remember a lady from New
Zealand visiting an aunt. She had two children, who I believe were his. I would
love to find out more about him and this family. I know this is a long shot but
it would be great if anyone can help."
If you can help, please email
Cherece emailed to say:
"I am looking for information on my grandfather who was a tail
gunner in WWII. His name was Christoffel Kotze DU PLESSIS aka Dup - from
Durban, South Africa. The only other information that I have is a number (not
sure if its his miliatary number that is on the back of his medals) - 580169
and that he went to Italy and the US (not sure if there were other countries.
Someone once told me that they were employed by the americans, so I have
no idea how true it is.His best friend confirmed after his death that he lied
about his age when he enlisted.
I tried for years to get him to talk about the war - but the subject was
taboo and he would change the subject or ignore me when I asked about it.
Sadly, he passed away in 2005. Any information about his life during the
war would be greatly appreciated."
Richard emailed to say:
"Does anyone know anything about Charles Alfred Douch whose details
are as follows:
Name: C. A. Douch
Rank: Private
Army Number: 6402899
Regiment: Royal Sussex Regiment
POW Number: 253642
Camp Type: Stalag
Camp Number: IV-C
Camp Location: Bystrice, Czech Republic"
Name: C. A. Douch
Rank: Private
Army Number: 6402899
Regiment: Royal Sussex Regiment
POW Number: 253642
Camp Type: Stalag
Camp Number: IV-C
Camp Location: Bystrice, Czech Republic"
If you can help, please email Richard
Jan is looking for information on her father:
"John Arthur DOMAN
DOB: 5 January 1922
Served in Egypt, Changi Beach in Singapore and Burma (now Mayanmar), etc
Aircraft: Wellington Bomber
Job: Gunner
Rank: Sergeant (?)"
DOB: 5 January 1922
Served in Egypt, Changi Beach in Singapore and Burma (now Mayanmar), etc
Aircraft: Wellington Bomber
Job: Gunner
Rank: Sergeant (?)"
The information is sparse so If you can help, please contact this site in the first instance.